How to register
1. Create your account
To register your child, you’ll first need to create an account HERE.
To bring your youth group or children’s church, you’ll fill out a group registration form HERE.
2.Choose which week
We offer three weeks for Junior Camp.
Week 1: June 22-27
Week 2: July 27-August 1
Week 3: August 3-8
3. Come to camp!
When you arrive on campus, you’ll check in your camper and pay any remaining balances. We can’t wait to spend a week with your child sharing the Gospel and having fun!
Safe, non-stop, & gospel-centered FUN!
There are no boring summers, no screen time, and no worldly noise vying for your child’s attention at Black Lake Bible Camp.
Gift your child with the best week of summer ever at Junior Camp!
We seek to create a safe, healthy space where kids can come together in friendship and fun to experience God’s goodness in the great outdoors.
We have seen how God uses camp activities to inspire campers to continue to ask deeper questions, seek answers, and come to know God in a more intimate way.
We CAN’T WAIT for your child to come to Junior Camp!
✓ Lake Swimming
✓ Heated Pool
✓ The Blob
✓ Boating & tubing
✓ Fire Side Sessions
archery, daily dress-up challenges, and so much more!
Meals at the Black Bear Diner
The Black Bear Diner, set in Harmony Springs, is where Junior Campers eat all their meals. We do our best to pack as much fun into every aspect of your camper’s experience including mealtime, with dinner dress-up competitions, fun games, hilarious trivia, and good conversations surrounding each table. We love the conversation and fun that happens in the Black Bear Diner!
Our Food Service Department is aware that there are many different food restrictions. With advance notice, we can provide for each of the following special dietary needs: gluten-free, dairy/lactose free, nut-free, or vegetarian/vegan.
Fire Side
Every day we gather around the camp fire.
it’s our favorite time of day!
During Fire Side, we get an incredible opportunity to laugh together, pray together, sing camp songs, and share the Word of God with each camper.
We are grateful for every moment, and we know your camper will create lifetime memories around the campfire!
Harmony Springs
Staying away from home for the first time can be so exciting! We want to do everything we can to create a safe environment where your child feels loved, valued, and heard.
To better do this, we intentionally keep our Junior Camps smaller so each cabin leader can better focus on each camper ensuring their safety, enjoyment, and to help them build friendships and answer questions.
The boys sleep in covered wagons, and the girls sleep in teepees, set in the wildest part of the camp, where the imagination is the freest to roam!
Every summer our Junior Campers get to enjoy some of the best parts of BLBC hidden away in Harmony Springs and made specifically for them.
Choose What You Pay
Tier one | $540
$75 deposit
This amount is the real cost of a camper’s participation at Black Lake Bible Camp. This rate covers all operational costs plus the costs of keeping up the camp’s facilities to ensure a good experience for all campers now and in the years to come.
Tier Two | $495
$75 deposit
This rate does not meet the total cost of camp, but does cover the basic operational costs such as food, summer staff wages, camp supplies, utilities, and insurance.
Tier Three | $450
$75 deposit
This base price is made possible by donors who support our scholarship program. We are happy to offer this to make camp affordable to those who need a bit of financial assistance!
Frequently Asked Questions
+ What does the registration process look like?
- Register your Junior Campers
- For individual campers (or friends and sibling sets) register HERE.
- For group registration (Youth leaders with 10 or more campers) register HERE.
- You'll be prompted to create an account. The account you create allows you to log back in and make changes or view your registration. You will be able to see your balance, make payments, add options, enter any dietary restrictions, change health form information, etc.
- Pay non-refundable deposit of $75 per week/camper.
+ What is "Group Registration"?
Group registration is for churches that would like to bring a group of 10 or more campers and provide their own cabin leaders . To be considered a group, you must provide one cabin leader for every 7 registered campers. Cabin Leaders are expected to attend all week with their campers.
+ How do I edit my registration form after it's been submitted?
The best way to make a registration change is to log back into the account you made on our website. The account you create allows you to make changes or view your registration.
You will be able to see your balance, make payments, add options, change health form information, etc. LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT
+ Can my camper be in a cabin with her/his friend?
We guarantee cabinmate requests for each camper's first week if the campers:
- mutually request each other
- are the same gender
- are the same grade or within one grade of each other
We try to grant (but cannot guarantee) non-mutual requests and requests for cabinmates of more than one grade difference.
If you have a cabinmate request after submitting your registration form, email the camp registrar HERE.
Pricing & Payments
+ Do you offer discounts or scholarships?
Yes! We offer military, pastor, and missionary discounts. As well as some limited scholarship opportunities.
Military discount: 15% off the camp fee to dependents of active-duty military personnel. Must present military I.D.
Pastor/Missionary discount & Scholarships: For all information about these kinds of discounts, please contact the [registrar HERE]
- Your Name
- Camper's Name
- Weeks your child will be attending
We do not offer a sibling discount.
+ How do I pay my deposit and remaining balance?
There are a few ways!
1. ONLINE: You can pay online by logging back into your account and selecting the week you'd like to pay for. SIGN IN HERE and click "Log In" in the top right corner.
2. IN PERSON: You can either bring your payment to the camp office, call with credit card information, or mail your payment to:
BLBC attn: Registration,
6521 Fairview Rd SW,
Olympia WA, 98512
+ When is the remaining balance due?
You must pay your remaining balance in full when your child arrives on camp.
To make the check-in process as simple as possible, we recommend completing this step in your online account before your arrival to camp COMPLETE HERE.
+ What is your cancellation policy?
The $75 deposit is non-refundable
Cancellation requests received at least two weeks before the first day of camp will be refunded minus your deposit paid.
If a cancellation request is received less than two weeks prior to the first day of camp, a cancellation fee of $25 will be charged in addition to the deposit.
No refund will be given for: a dismissal due to disciplinary action, homesickness, late arrival, early departure (except for sickness or family emergency), or for campers who do not attend and do not notify the camp of the cancellation.
To cancel or change your registration: contact the office by email, phone, or in person.
Call: (360) 357-8425
Sign In & Check Out
+ Where do I check-in?
Check-in begins in the main parking lot, and the campers and parents are accompanied by staff to Harmony Springs!
- Remaining balance due
- All check-in paperwork
- Photo ID
- Bedding for a twin-sized bed. Sleeping bags work great!
- Camper's bag (see pack list below)
+ Where do we check in if we are running late?
Please check-in at the main office, if you are running late or checking in the next day. Please let us know if you will be running late.
+ How and where do I pick up my child?
You (or your authorized representative) will need to bring a photo I.D. to sign your camper out.
You are welcome to join us for the closing ceremony and experience it with your camper! The ceremony begins on Friday at 9:30 AM in the Hramony Chapel.
+ How do I allow other people to pick up my child?
You may authorize people to pick up your camper on your registration form. To change the list, login to your accout click "log in" in the top right corner.
Or you can submit your request by email to the camp registrar.
+ Where do I park?
Please park in the main parking lot.
+ We have some food allergies. Do you have meal options available?
Yes! We have meal options for:
- gluten-free
- dairy/lactose-free
- vegan
- nut-free
- vegetarian
The food line and salad bar never have shellfish. There are sealed packets of peanut butter available.
+ How do you address food allergies?
We pass along allergy information to both your camper's counselor and the Food Service Department. If your camper has a significant food allergy requiring special meals, please notify us in advance.
+ Can we pick the meals served?
No. All meals are planned for several months.
Health & Saftey
+ What if my camper is sick?
While we hope your camper never has to miss a day, we work hard to protect all campers' health and well-being. Please do not bring your child to camp if they are unwell, so we can create a safe and healthy environment for all campers.
Wellness Guidelines:
- Fever: temperature of 100 degrees or higher, especially if the child also has: sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, or irritability. Children should be ‘Fever Free’ without the assistance of fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours before returning.
- Cold/Flu Symptoms: thick, green or yellow mucus drainage or frequent cough
- Diarrhea: watery stools within the last 24 hours
- Vomiting: within the last 24 hours
- Rash: undiagnosed body rash, especially with fever or itching
- Sore Throat: with fever and swollen glands
- Eye Discharge: thick mucus or pus draining from the eye, or red/pink eye(s)
- Not feeling well: unusually tired, pale, lack of appetite, or irritable
- Head Lice: if she/he has head lice or nits (eggs); all lice/nits must be removed before returning to camp.
- Students receiving antibiotic treatment for diagnosed infections are required to be on medication for AT LEAST 24 hours before returning.
+ What if my camper starts to feel sick or gets hurt while at camp?
In an emergency, we will immediately call 911 and then call you.
For non-emergency situations, we will give you a call to discuss your camper's situation and may ask you to come pick them up.
We have a limited supply of basic over-the-counter medications and first aid supplies that our camp nurse will dispense as needed and following your instructions.
We will ask you to supply medications and supplies for ongoing needs. (More info below.)
+ What about my child's medications?
All campers need to turn in their medications (prescription and over-the-counter) at to the nurse upon checking in.
Emergency inhalers and epi-pens may be kept and will be carried by his/her Cabin Leader unless otherwise discussed. Please bring this up at check-in if you have specific instructions for us.
- Keep all medications in their original container or packaging.
- Put all medications into a Ziploc bag labeled with the camper's name and date of birth.
- Submit the Medication Administration Report online form prior to arrival by emailing our Registrar at: [registration@blbcolympia.com]. You can download that form HERE
+ How are campers kept safe while swimming or on the boats?
We take water safety very seriously. Both the pool and the lake have shallow and deep swim areas. Each camper must pass our swim test to swim in the deep end of the lake or pool, ride on a tube, or go on the blob.
The swim test includes a down and back (waterfront) and a double down and back (pool) Campers that do not pass or do not wish to take the swim test may swim in the shallower areas of the lake or pool. Campers may retake the test each day until they pass. If a camper has not passed the swim test, he/she can bring a life jacket to use in the shallow end but not the deep end of the pool or lake.
We hire certified lifeguards who are on duty during all swim times. Other staff members are also at the pool with campers - some designated as swimmers and some as guards. We train our boat drivers, and they must have a current Washington Boating License.
Campers always wear an approved PFD (personal floatation device) when on a boat, tube, canoe, or blob. If you send a life jacket from home for your camper to use at other times, please also send a note or email explaining that he or she should wear it while swimming. If your child does not pass the swim test, he/she may still ride on the boat but are not permitted to ride on the tube.
+ How do you choose your staff members?
All of our staff members complete an extensive application and interview process, and we run background checks on all employees (both federal and county). First and foremost our staff members must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but also display leadership qualities and skills pertaining to their department.
Camp Store
+ What is for sale in the camp store?
We carry a variety of camp apparel, merchandise, and fun trinkets to remind your camper of the memories made at BLBC. We also carry candy, snacks (like chips and cookies), and drinks (including espresso).
+ How much money should I give my camper to spend?
The amount varies from camper to camper but is typically between $20 and $40+. Campers have the opportunity to visit the Camp Store daily. Our egift cards are recharagable and money that is not used can be refunded.
+ How do you handle campers' store money?
For our junior camp we are only using egift cards. Guardians can purchase a gift card at any time. At the time of purchase an email will be sent with a 16-digit code. Have this code handy for check-in. The code can also be used to reload or refund the balance.
Click HERE to purchase an egift card.